A global knowledge platform for the creation of inclusive and sustainable cities since 2014.

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Blog topics : My Liveable City has always discussed and debated the following 5 themes and we are now keen to hear our readers’s views on them, (request you to adhere to the topics listed below, unrelated posts will be taken down by the admin) :

1. Affordable Housing
2. Inclusive Cities
3. Landscape, Environment & Sustainability
4. Technology & Innovation - The future of cities
5. Culture of Cities

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(i) Please allow us 24 hours to verify the content uploaded, if no objections are found, your post will be displayed on our website after 24 hours. You will be able to share your post on your social media handles, once the post is displayed.
(ii) Maximum 500 words, image size should be less than 1MB. Ensure that you read our Terms & Conditions before you upload your content.

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Guidelines : Maximum 500 words, image size should be less than 1MB.


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