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Undeniably, the global pandemic has caused an immense decrease in interpersonal activities, quickly driving humans into isolation. And while missing out on activities with your friends and family may seem like a weight too heavy to bear for some, it’s difficult to consider how the lives of those who were already struggling psychosocially have been affected even more. The pre-pandemic design industry has already seen an uptick in projects that address isolation and emotion in modern society. However, the rapidly evolving situation calls for more innovation in the products, services and experiences that address these topics in our physical and digital environments.

The distinction between isolation and loneliness is that isolation accounts for the quantity of relationships, and loneliness accounts for the quality. If you were an elderly dementia patient living in a nursing home during this pandemic, you’re likely experiencing both. The care quality for dementia patients relies on the caregiver’s ability to communicate effectively. But caregivers are often trained to perform utilitarian tasks, like waking up patients or feeding them at a specific time. These interactions, having decreased as the pandemic worsens, are not enough to address the psychological effects of isolation on patients. To combat this, N.V.E.R.A. was born. It is a collective intelligence service system that enables caregivers to develop their soft communication skills with patients by tracking and observing micro-facial expressions and body language. By proactively deploying a patient-centered experience, N.V.E.R.A. empowers patients, caregivers and organisations to sustain a patient’s quality of life and care despite increasingly limited time and attention.


The distinction between isolation and loneliness is that isolation accounts for the quantity of relationships, and loneliness accounts for the quality






In addition to the elderly, psychosocial distress among cancer patients is a significant concern for those who experience difficult social environments and face physical barriers in accessing in-person support groups. Patients who require long-term or chronic treatment already get less face time with clinical professionals and rely heavily on personally administered mental and physical care. As the chance to check in with their doctor diminishes during the pandemic, cancer patients can have the opportunity to lean on their fellow community members and survivors through services like Lighthouse, a tool to facilitate social support between cancer survivors through gratitude practices and playful interactions. Projects like this tap into the methodology behind in-person support groups and facilitate that experience conveniently through a digital platform. A hybrid support group is not only useful during this pandemic, but can increase accessibility to it in the future.

While some innovations bridge the gap between body and screen, others have translated full physical experiences into virtual ones. As most museums remain closed, the Museum of Optimism addresses how to create a positive museum experience, digitally. This self-initiated project, by the creative agency Nice and Serious, was inspired by the hand-drawn rainbows found in people’s windows in London, and sets out to collect as many creative works of optimism displayed during the pandemic. It has a floor plan that acts as a navigation system, guiding visitors to the different galleries. The artworks are found across five exhibits: Optimism Exhibit, Gratitude Room, Joyful Gallery, Kindness Wing and Room of Resistance. In the present day, where anxiety about Covid-19 persists, the museum aims to offer inspiration, hope and light relief as a digital archive for the world to look back upon.



As we continue to face challenges with each new day in this pandemic, it is the responsibility of designers and researchers to iterate quickly and thoughtfully when it comes to addressing isolation and emotion. The effects of social distancing, especially in urban environments, can and should be remedied through creative innovation. Whether it is a product, a community or an experience, innovators have the ability to reconnect individuals with their surroundings and their peace of mind.


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